Bio identical Hormone treatment Alta Loma, CA

Introduction to Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) involves using hormones that are molecularly identical to those produced naturally in the human body to treat hormone imbalances and deficiencies. As we age or go through major life changes, our hormone levels fluctuate, often declining significantly. This leads to distressing symptoms that can greatly reduce one's quality of life. Customized BHRT can help restore optimal hormone levels, providing immense symptom relief.

At Hormone Harmony Clinic in Alta Loma, our experienced medical providers specialize in bioidentical hormones to help patients look and feel their best. We offer cutting-edge testing and personalize treatment plans with FDA-approved hormones tailored to your unique needs. Read on to learn all about bioidentical hormones and discover how they can transform your health.

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are man-made forms of hormones that are exact matches to those produced in the human body. This includes estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and others. They are designed to be perfectly identical at a molecular level to our natural hormones in chemical structure and function.

This differs greatly from synthetic hormones found in traditional hormone replacement methods, which can produce unwanted side effects. Bioidenticals work harmoniously with the body, minimizing risks. They are generally derived from plant sources and are sometimes referred to as "natural hormones," although technically the term "bioidentical" is more accurate.

Key Takeaways:

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Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

Customized bioidentical hormone replacement provides a wide array of benefits that help patients regain optimal wellness, vitality and an improved quality of life. These include:

Relief of Unpleasant Menopause Symptoms

Fluctuating estrogen levels during perimenopause and menopause can trigger symptoms ranging from hot flashes and night sweats to sleep disturbances, vaginal dryness, anxiety, fatigue and more. BHRT replaces depleting hormones to provide immense relief.

Reduced Risk of Osteoporosis

Declining estrogen during menopause accelerates bone loss, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Studies show bioidentical estrogen therapy preserves bone mineral density far better than synthetic estrogens or estrogen absence.

Improved Mood, Energy Levels and Mental Sharpness

Imbalanced hormone levels greatly impact mood, cognition and everyday energy levels. Many patients report bioidentical testosterone therapy, DHEA supplementation and estrogen replacement lead to better moods, less brain fog, improved productivity and motivation.

Healthier Metabolic Function and Weight Control

As we age, hormonal changes make maintaining a healthy weight increasingly difficult. Bioidentical hormones help regulate fat storage and metabolic factors tied to diabetes, promoting easier weight management.

Better Breast and Pelvic Health

Estrogen deficiency can lead to vaginal dryness, uterine prolapse, frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs) and atrophic changes. Low testosterone may impact arousal, sexual response and pelvic floor strength. BHRT alleviates these issues.

Increased Libido and Improved Sexual Function

Plummeting testosterone dampens libido and sexual enjoyment for both sexes. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with bioidentical testosterone has been found to significantly improve libido, arousal, sexual performance and satisfaction.

Improved Sleep Quality

Hormonal imbalances frequently disrupt normal sleep-wake cycles. Restoring hormonal balance with BHRT promotes deeper, more restful sleep. Patients often report sleeping through the night and feeling more refreshed.

Decreased Muscle Loss and Increased Stamina

Progressive loss of muscle mass, strength and stamina are common effects of aging and falling hormones. Bioidentical testosterone therapy preserves fitness, builds lean tissue, and boosts energy levels.

In summary, targeted treatment with bioidentical hormones can provide transformative restoration of wellbeing, health and quality of life on multiple fronts.

Evaluating Hormone Imbalances

The first step in bioidentical HRT is determining which hormones are imbalanced through comprehensive lab testing and evaluating symptoms. Common hormones that decline include:


Plummeting estrogen levels bring on menopause, causing hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, sleep disturbances, heart palpitations, anxiety, irritability and difficulty concentrating. Low estrogen also accelerates aging and bone loss. Testing measures estradiol, estrone and estriol levels.


Declining progesterone further exacerbates menopause symptoms and alters menstrual cycles. Testing reveals ratios of estrogen to progesterone, which should be properly balanced.


In both sexes, declining testosterone levels lead to low libido, erectile dysfunction, muscle loss, decreased strength and stamina, mental fog, fatigue and often depression. Testing reveals "free" or usable levels of testosterone.


This prohormone peaks around age 25, then steadily declines. Deficiency can negatively impact the immune system, cognition, cardiovascular health, metabolism and sexual health. Testing analyzes DHEA-S.

Thyroid Hormones

Deficient levels of thyroid hormones produce symptoms that strongly overlap with menopause and andropause. This includes fatigue, weight gain, low stamina and mood changes. Testing measures FT3, FT4, TSH and antibodies.

Note that hormone testing must measure "free" or "bioavailable" levels to gain an accurate picture of deficiencies, not just total amounts present. The experts at Hormone Harmony Clinic specialize in detailed hormone evaluation.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not strictly identical to the hormones naturally made in the human body. They are typically plant-derived and chemically modified to have a similar molecular structure, but minor differences mean the body may process them slightly differently than endogenous hormones.

Hormone Harmony Clinic Approach to Treatment

After confirming which hormones are deficient through testing, we develop personalized, cutting-edge bioidentical hormone treatment plans tailored to your unique needs.

Balance is Key

We don’t espouse a “more is better” approach, but strategically balance hormones based on your biomarkers and symptom evaluation. The goal is to optimize levels to restore health and vitality, not overshoot into excess.

Troche, Cream or Injectable Hormone Delivery

Bioidentical hormones are available in oral preparations like troches (dissolvable tablets), topical creams or gels, and injectables. We select the ideal method for your lifestyle and needs based on hormone type, dosage requirements and convenience.

Start Low, Go Slow Protocol

We gradually introduce bioidentical hormones using a “start low, go slow” approach to find the minimal doses that eliminate unpleasant symptoms with the fewest side effects. This gentle process allows the body to adjust.

Follow Best Practices for Each Hormone

Our providers follow evidence-based protocols for introduction, adjustment and cycling of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and other bioidentical hormones, accounting for half-lives and optimal timing for symptom relief.

Regular Follow-Up and Testing

Hormone levels fluctuate so we recheck your levels and symptoms every 3-6 months, making careful dosage tweaks to keep you feeling your greatest. We don't take a simple “one-size-fits-all” approach.

Diet and Lifestyle Guidance

We offer customized guidance on nutrition, exercise and other lifestyle factors that support healthy hormone balance for amplified, lasting results from bioidentical HRT.

In summary, we thoughtfully craft fully personalized BHRT plans aligned to your unique hormone deficiencies, biomarkers results and symptom profile. Our goal is to restore vibrancy, energy and wellbeing so you feel like the best version of yourself once more!

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Among the most common hormone deficiencies we treat is low testosterone or hypogonadism in both women and men. Also called “andropause” or “viropause”, plummeting testosterone has multiple negative impacts.

Symptoms arise relatively slowly over time and include:

Restoring healthy testosterone levels via bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) offers life-changing improvements in all these areas.

Benefits of TRT

The many benefits of testosterone therapy include:

Libido – Both men and women experience significantly heightened libido and sexual enjoyment.

Erectile Function – In men, erectile quality and hardness of erections are greatly improved.

Energy Levels – Patients report improved daily energy, motivation and stamina.

Metabolism and Fitness – Muscle tone improves and weight loss becomes easier.

Mental Acuity – Concentration, memory and sharpness show marked enhancement.

Mood and Confidence - Many patients note better moods, more positive mindset, ambition and self-confidence.

Sleep Quality – Testosterone normalization regulates sleep cycles so rest is deeper and more restorative.

TRT Administration Options

There are several delivery methods for testosterone replacement:

Testosterone Gels – Topical gels provide transdermal absorption in a daily application.

Testosterone Creams – Also for transdermal delivery, applied upon rising in the morning.

Testosterone Injections – Injections of long-acting testosterone cypionate or enanthate, requiring fewer doses.

Testosterone Pellets – Pellets implanted under the skin sustain consistent testosterone levels for months without daily dosing.

Oral Testosterone – Rarely used due to liver metabolism; some wellness centers provide oral troches.

We determine which option makes the most sense based on your lifestyle, preferences, dosing needs and goals of therapy.

Importance of Prompt Hormone Treatment

It’s vital to promptly treat declining hormones before deficiencies become even more deeply entrenched and health repercussions accrue. Consider these compelling reasons why:

Growing Deficiency Worsens Symptoms

As we become increasingly hormonally depleted over time, deficiency symptoms intensify severely, significantly reducing quality of daily living. Symptoms also tend to compound one other.

Tissue Damage Accrues

Chronically low hormone levels create pathological changes to tissues in the body including brain, heart, breasts, vagina and muscle. This tissue damage can become irreversible over time.

Disease Risks Rise

Research reveals falling estrogen, testosterone and other hormones raise risks for diseases like osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, breast cancer and depression. Replacing deficit hormones mitigates these threats.

Treatment Becomes Less Effective

Studies indicate the longer we remain hormonally deficient before replacing hormones, the less complete our response and symptom relief from treatment tend to be as deficiencies become more ingrained.

In summary, seeking prompt TRT and other hormone restoration allows us to regain health, fitness and quality of life before hormone decline creates accumulating damage and misery. The experienced providers at Hormone Harmony Clinic help patients determine optimal timing to begin life transforming BHRT based on symptoms and testing.

Hormone Harmony Clinic Bioidentical Hormone Clinic

We opened the doors of Hormone Harmony Clinic in Alta Loma in 2010 with a mission to help patients optimize hormone health safely, effectively and conveniently. Our center offers:

Specialized Expertise

Our clinic specializes exclusively in treatment of hormonal disorders. Several providers on staff include nurses and nurse practitioners offering decades of experience specifically within bioidentical hormone therapy, men’s and women’s hormone replacement and optimization.

State-of-the-Art Testing

We utilize advanced testing that accurately reveals “free” and “bioavailable” hormone levels using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, the gold standard. This avoids inaccuracies of traditional testing methods.

Custom Compounding On-Site

We offer the convenience of on-site custom formulation of all bioidentical medications including pills, creams, gels and pellet implants. Our expert compounding team works directly alongside providers to prepare personalized treatment plans.

Comfortable, Inviting Atmosphere

Our hormone center provides a warm, homelike atmosphere. We understand this very personal realm of health and take extra care to ensure patients feel respected, comfortable and cared for. We take pride in going above and beyond.

Hormone Harmony Clinic offers everything needed for seamless hormone replacement and optimization under one roof. Contact us today to discover how our cutting edge testing, treatments and expertise can help you achieve hormone wellness and rediscover your vitality!

Further Resources: Local Partners for Hormone Clients

To further support your hormone health and wellbeing during treatment, here are several outstanding local Alta Loma resources we recommend:

Peak Labs

Offers cutting-edge hormone, thyroid and nutritional testing using advanced LC/MS methods that precisely reveal bioavailable levels of hormones and micronutrients for accurate deficiency diagnoses.

Clementine Spa

An award winning wellness and aesthetics spa in nearby Montclair, they offer therapeutic massage, skin rejuvenation treatments, relaxation rooms and yoga classes ideal during hormone transitions.

Core Fitness Gym

A full-service Alta Loma gym right down the road that specializes in customized fitness plans catered to any age, fitness level or health status. Offers exercise therapy, nutrition guidance and community support.

In Conclusion

We hope this guide served as a helpful overview of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy including hormonal conditions we commonly treat such as andropause and menopause. Please reach out with any questions - we look forward to helping you achieve hormone wellness and rediscover your inner vitality!

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